Saturday, March 31, 2012

Day 2 & 3

"Under the Sea"


It is the Project 365. It means each day i must at least doodle/ sketch something for me to complete in a year time so that i would have a series of my very own doodles/sketches collection. But see now what happened. Its been 9 days since i last posted on day 1 project. I am so busy i didnt even have time to do things that i love. i should save some times for myself rather than just watching Korean series which what i am doing nowadays if i have free time. Its very addictive.

Friday, March 30, 2012

What I Had Last Night For Dinner

A homemade seafood sandwich with chrysanthemum tea . I wasn't feeling good and had a terrible cold yesterday. I've lost my appetite and no sense of taste at all. Apart from it, i still have to do an abstract essay assignment for my philosophy class. Hope i still can finish it on time since now i'm feeling much better.

Happy Friday everyone!   

Monday, March 19, 2012

All Week Long

Super busy week with classes and design
 A friend's wedding in the weekend in Semenyih
and having fun at Putrajaya's Balloon Fiesta 2012

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Blood Red

My fighting red little beta fish. Always wanted to fight with his own reflection. Also likes to attack his owner's finger. Naughty!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Little Prince

This is my new friend who always distract me from making my work done . His name is Little Prince. Might be kind of a lame name for a fish but i guess he don't mind. Bought his for just rm2 at a fish shop. Cheap huh... I put him on my table in the studio so that when i feel bored i could tease him up. Especially when he wanted to fight with his own reflection in the mirror. It cheer me up in a way...

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Project on Putrajaya's Boulevard

Its been a week since i started my class. Since then, i was really busy and without the internet life seems like it slowing myself down. Not a good feeling at all. My 1st design project is about the Putrajaya's Boulevard. We have to create a more lively place to the area since the area is dead at night.

Manage to snap some photos of flowers and plants there. It just apart of my hobby collecting picture of flowers. 

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Let's Paint

Last night, i did an artwork. The one with the black background. Need more practice i guess. Playing with colours, making my hands dirty with paint while watching back to back episodes of Charmed until i felt asleep. Such a therapy.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Extreme Nerve Racking Week

Its been a while since i last updated my blog. I've been really busy lately. Lots of things need to be done but Alhamdulillah everything went well eventhough i have to face some issues. Some nerve racking issues regardless to the tide time limit.

19th Feb was my little brother 10th birthday. Well, he's not so little anymore. I bought Najib a present that i hope he will like and appreciate since im not a choosing-the-best-birthday-present type of person. Its not much but i really really hope he like it this time. He keeps telling me not to buy family games/ board games since that what i end up buying him and everyone is so busy they cant spent time playing it. So i did'nt buy family games this time. *wink*

 He likes it.... I'm happy. (Plus, he can play it with his imagination)

On the same day of my brother's birthday, we had a little kenduri doa selamat for me since i'm going to further my studies. Hopefully i could study and graduate safely with flying colour. Hopefully..... Anyway, i've invited some of my neighbour and families. We had done bacaan surah yasin and doa selamat, ate my mother's delicious mee kuah and chocolate cake, spent time talking and taking photos with my families and neighbour. Yeah, i had a great day and me being so tired at the end of the day.

A few days while i was so busy preparing all my university's documentation, my best cousin was emitted to the hospital. She and he husband are waiting for their 1st baby to be born. It took her hours and hours nearly 2 days, she gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. Everyone was relief as she and her baby are safe. Especially me since i was not there to support her because i was on my way to my university on that very day.

I took this picture a few hours after she was emitted to the hospital. 

Let's meet NUR IZARA AISYA SAFFIYA (25 Feb 2012)
(picture credit to my sister, Yana. She took it a few hours after the little one is born)

This is her a few days after she came back home with mummy and daddy.
 So cute and adorable like an apple!

I was here when Izara was born. Here i was at this very hall for my registration day for postgraduate students. Its had been a really tiring day of lining up, writing forms, taking picture for student id and house hunting. Why i called it house hunting? Because unfortunately i had problems with the house i wanted to rent and are force to search for a new place at a very last minute. Alhamdulillah, i was lucky and managed to find a place to stay just nearby that same area. I did not have time to snap some photos of my new home. Maybe later....

I've been eating toasted bread with kaya and butter along with a cup of hot milk tea for 3 days in a row while i was registering and house hunting. Will definitely not having this for breakfast in a while. 

Last night, i have been craving sweet treat for dinner. Went off to secret recipe to buy a slice of chocolate indulgence cake and chicken cornish. Fully satisfied! 
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